Friday, May 14, 2010


Splinter is cool.  I like his squinty eyes and wise way.  Sometimes my guinea pig gets Splintery.

More Splinter!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My favorite male vocalists

This is list for myself to keep because I always forget.  I will add names as I remember them.  The below produce emotion and tone through their vocals in a brilliant me anyway :)

Paul Westerberg
Van Morrison
Ethan Miller
Morgan Phalen
Bruce Dickinson
Ian Gillan

Klaus Meine
Phil Mogg
David Coverdale
Terry Reid
Neil Young
Mike Patton
Matt Talbott

Friday, March 5, 2010

For my husband...

This song is from, "Once We Were Trees": - Beachwood Sparks.

I love you, babe.

"You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave you down when you're down on your knees
I wouldn't do that

I'll tell you you're right when you want
And if only you could see into me

Oh when you're cold, I'll be there
Hold you tight to me

When you're on the outside baby and you can't get in
I will show you, you're so much better than you know
When you're lost and you're alone and you can't get back again
I will find you darling and I will bring you home

And if you want to cry
I am here to dry your eyes
And in no time, you'll be fine

You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave you down when you're down on your knees
I wouldn't do that

I'll tell you you're right when you want
And if only you could see into me

Oh when you're cold, I'll be there
Hold you tight to me
Oh when you're low
I'll be there by your side baby

Oh when you're cold, I'll be there
Hold you tight to me
Oh when you're low
I'll be there by your side baby

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rikki Tikki Tavi

One of my favorite stories of all time from Rudyard Kipling's, The Jungle Books.

"He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits. His eyes and the end of his restless nose were pink. He could scratch himself anywhere he pleased with any leg, front or back, that he chose to use. He could fluff up his tail till it looked like a bottle brush, and his war cry as he scuttled through the long grass was: "Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pondering Portobello Possibilities

I am craving stuffed portobello mushrooms after stuffing some large portobellos a couple months back. At that time I followed a Trader Joe's recipe using a black bean, bruscetta and ricotta cheese mixture topped with white cheese and baked in the oven for a half hour or so. They were delicious!

HOWEVER, I was craving something a little different so I bought "baby" stuffing porobellos. They probably have a clever term like "portobellini" or something like that but I'm not aware of it so I refer to them as "babies". I did a little research on stuffing portobellos in general and really just discovered you can stuff these plumper’s with just about anything. I pondered making pizza portobellos but delayed that experiment for another night, a night when I'm stuffing the large guys. So I recruited my assistant chef, my wonderful husband, and started the evening's dinner experiment. Below are the details of what we did. Unfortunately (or not depending how you look at it!) I was so excited; I forgot to take pictures before, during and after!

WARNING: I usually go off gut instinct for measuring and cooking time so below is rough estimates of what I think I did. :D


*some olive oil for sautéing of veggies
*baby stuffing portobellos - I used four but prepared ingredients could stuff six.
*some stalks of fresh asparagus - chopped chunky
*1 medium sized onion - chopped fine (I used yellow)
*part of a green pepper - chopped fine (you could use more, it's just all I had left)
*1 clove of garlic - minced (I love garlic and used a clove from a "colossal" garlic so if you are using smaller cloves, I would use two
*two fresh basil leaves, chopped up semi fine
*1 tsp of dried oregano
*some fire roasted peppers (I used red and yellow)
*handful of pine nuts
*1 cup quinoa
*sea salt and pepper to taste

I prepared the quinoa. I used a rice cooker with just plain quinoa and water, nothing else added...this time!

We then heated our olive oil in a pan and added the green pepper; onion, garlic and asparagus, sautéed for a few minuets then added in the roasted peppers, sautéed a bit more and then added basil, oregano and pine nuts. My desired result of the sautéed veggies was to have them sautéed but still a fresh crunch to them. I timed it so that the veggies and quinoa would be done about that same time so after the quinoa was finished, I added to my veggies.

In the meantime my assistant chef, the best assistant chef in the world had helped me cut some of our veggies and had removed the stems and gills of our babies. I brushed some olive oil on the bottom of the pan we were using and placed the babies on the pan as they waited to be stuffed.

We then stuffed, and stuffing we did! I packed as much of the veggie/quinoa mixture I could into each little guy. Like I said earlier, we only used four but there was enough mixture to stuff at least six. I then brushed the top of each with a little more olive oil and put them in the oven. I believe they ended up cooking for about 12 or 15 minuets.

While we waited for them to cook, my assistant chef set the table, poured the wine and then we enjoyed a kitchen appetizer, munching the rest of the unused mixture with a spoon, alternating bites between each other. Tasty even with out the portobellos, haha.

While they finished their final moments in the oven, I considered what I I would use to stuff my next batch and am thinking maybe some broccoli and sesame seeds w/some sort of garlic and soy sauce mixture. Or some variation of a cheesy pizza portobello which is what I was thinking of originally.

I checked the oven one last time and decided they were baked well enough, so I took them out and let them rest for a minute. Now time to finally sit down and feast, we each got two! The finished product was mouth watering yummy and watching my husband enjoy the dish was eye watering wonderful!

Yum to cooking, food and husbands!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Dinner 2010!

FOR the fourth year in a row, Sean and I decided to stay in for Valentines dinner. The past three years we have ordered out Italian food from our local favorite Italian restaurant, Marios by the Sea, but as the "cooking" bug has recently bit me this year we decided to cook at home together. That and our year of vegetariasm wouldn't allow us to devour the infamous "Chicken Mario".

We were both on the look out for authentic Italian dishes and found a good number of them on the endless steam of internet web pages. Personally, I wanted something a bit more time consuming and challenging to make AND as always, something new and exotic! We settled on...

Sicilian Vegetable Stew:

We had a good time in the kitchen, some kitchen boogie and kisses added romantic Valentines festivity, fun and flair! After about two hours of prepping all our ingredients were laid out beautifully and ready for action.

It took about another hour of frying, sauteing, mixing, tasting and simmering. We baked a loaf of bread with fresh garlic and butter to serve on the side. Probably not in line with our "authentic Italin" dish but it is one of my favorite indulgences and seeing as it was Valentines Day...I just couldn't resist. Choosing to eat it warm (the alternative and traditional way being served cold like a brushetta) with our bread, we sat down for dinner shortly after the stew was finished.

Toasting at the table with one candle lit, a delicious creation and an inexpensive Sicilian wine from Trader Joe's in hand made this the most memorable and my favorite Valentines Day to date. Dessert menu and details have been censored.

Thank you, husband!